Local Qualifying Salary will be increased from 1 Jul 2024
LQS increased from $1,400 to $1,600
The monthly Local Qualifying Salary (LQS) for local employees (Singaporeans or Permanent Residents) will be changed from 1 Jul 2024.
Changes will be as follows:
- LQS increased from $1,400 to $1,600
- Half LQS limit increased from $700 to $800
Calculation of local employees from 1 Jul 2024
If the monthly salary of a local employee is:
- Less than $800, the employee will not count as a local employee employed by the organisation for the purpose of calculating Work Permit and S Pass quota
- $800 to less than $1,600, the employee will be counted as 0.5 local employee
- $1,600 and above, the employee will be counted as 1 local employee
Organisations without sufficient quota will not be able to apply for or renew their Work Permits and S Passes, and will have to cancel any excess Work Permits and/or S Passes.
Organisation's quota entitlement is based on a three-month average of your local employees' CPF data.
For example: If the salary declaration and CPF contribution are done before 14 Jul 2024, your quota for Aug will be based on data from May, Jun, and Jul. Otherwise, it will be based on data from Apr, May, and Jun.
For more details, please check at MOM website at https://www.mom.gov.sg/